Honestly, I always forget to do new stuff, so why even have a website? Hmmm...PLUS i think im the only one who ever even comes on here...Yeahhhh..... >:( ANYWAY, im back to this for awhile! >:) Possting new things right now as I speak....Er...Type.
I haven't updated this thing since last year! Woow! Although I was happy to see my website counter went up :D by like, 20. Yay! In other news, Posting new games and Comics and videos and other things soon! Soo...Enjoy! :D
 Anyone else think this summer went by a little too fast? I know i do. and now I have nothing better to do than watch tv. BUT NOTHINGS ON D: Hmm. Does anyone but me ever view this? I don't think so. I'm typing to myself right now. Hi Me :D

 hey all, i WOULD have some more random thoughts but i can't think of any right now! CRAZY right?!? i know!! its like WTH why would you have a RANDOM THOUGHTS page when you have no RANDOM THOUGHTS?!? WHATS UP WITH THAT? well i has a question for you! Why are You on the toilet constipated with your laptop when you could be outside in high traffic and guess what? your out of toilet paper! MWuhahahaha! :] Woo :] im bored. You guys need to comment some more :] i've gotten a total of.....................................................like...2...comments...WOW. AMAZING. thats a lot. :] okay. getting tired of og typing. Laters


HI How are ya? thanks for reading this thing (which that shouldve really been at the END) but oh well. Let's get started with a few random thoughts i'm having.

1. Who invented Cinimon Toast Crunch and can they see why kids love it?

2. I wonder how long it would take to pop a Macys Day balloon with a bobby pin?

3. Do they still make Capn Crunch Cereal? havent seen it in awhile.

3. Why am i thinking about cereal? a breakfast food, late at night? 

4. who was the first person to drink the stuff that came out of a cow?!?

5. and who titled it milk?

6. If someone asked you what IDK meant, would you say I dont know and they take it the wrong way?

7. why do would and wood sound alike?

8.Why do paper cuts hurt the worst?!?

9. If something was mispelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?

10. (last one) how can it be hot as hell one day, and the cold as hell the other? 

Yes, just some random thoughts going through my mind right now. If anyone wants to try to answer any please click the comment button above the post. Or go to the comment page on the tabs to the left. Whatever you wish to do. Laters. peace out. See you later alligator. in a while crocodile. Peace out cub scout. see you like sweet potata. SHAZAM. pow right in the kissa. boom. bam. bye.